Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our Little Guy

I just wanted to take a post to brag on our little W. Last year at this time, we were working with Early Steps because his vocabulary was right around four words. He had chronic ear infections when he was tiny. When, at nine months, he had pretty much had an ear infection for 12 weeks straight, we made the decision to insert tubes in his ears. It made all the difference in the world, but we were warned that he missed out on a lot of hearing in those weeks.

After three months of intervention services in speech and occupational therapy (they had him lick food, move food around in his mouth, and make faces in a mirror), his speech exploded to more than 50 words. This school year, we were able to work with a fantastic preschool who really helped him work on his pronunciation and vocabulary. Now, at almost 3, I feel like his vocabulary is spot-on, but he might need some additional speech therapy. He is just a charming and handsome little guy. His new catch phrase is, "Hi mom, Guess what?" And he loves to wear his batman shirt with the cape. I call him Batman, and he calls me Princess. He loves to sing "Old McDonald" but his favorite animal is an elephant. He does a pretty good imitation.

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