Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cravings are getting the best of me....

Let me preface, with the fact that I only gained THREE pounds last month!!! (Thank you jogging, working out, and

BUT THEN, yesterday, for lunch, I splurged because McDonalds had their 1/4 pounder with cheese buy one/get one for a penny, SO, a lady I work with and I both got one and split an order of fries....I had milk to drink (ok, TWO milk chugs, but so what?) so I wasn't feeling TOO bad about it. I got home, jogged, did some squats, lunges, weights with my arms blah blah blah....

Jerry's night to cook, so we had CHINESE!!! Again, I was trying to be sensible...I ordered wonton soup (ok, it was a large, but I saved half) and chicken with mixed veggies (I really tried to eat only half, but I was SO HUNGRY I ate it all, but with only like a REAL ONE PORTION of brown rice--like two tablespoons or whatever)

So I woke up this morning with a real desire and every intention to have like a low sodium, high protein, salad kind of day.

Only THEN, I NEEDED a decaf during my planning period, so when I pulled up to the drive through my body says to me, "bacon egg and cheese biscuit. BaconEggAndCheeseBiscuit.BACONEGGANDCHEESEBISUIT!!!!!!!" and suddenly, I was STARVING (don't forget, I'd already eaten low-fat peanut butter and honey on a double fiber English muffin) So, trying to be reasonable, I ordered my small decaf with one cream and one sugar and a plain biscuit, which, I might add, was the most delicious biscuit I've ever eaten in my entire life.

Then, I ate my sensible lunch, like a GALLON of water (to stave off the hunger pains)...and just now, in rapid succession I had cravings for pickled ginger, coconut, and dark chocolate peanut M&Ms (NONE OF WHICH I ATE, by the way).

I am hoping that our baby Wes is just having a growth spurt, and the duration of my pregnancy will not be plagued with these ridiculously impossible to tame cravings!