Sunday, July 26, 2009

Freaking Out

I don't think its fair that with all the horrific body stuff Pregnant women have to go through, we're not allowed to drink. I have been pretty much pregnant since September of 2007. Yes, my math is correct. I haven't had more than 1/2 glass of wine or a slug of Jerry's beer when he wasn't looking in almost two years....I'm not condoning alcohol abuse by pregnant women. And I know that no amount of alcohol has been proven safe during pregancy. I'm just saying, the universe could have cut us a little slack on this is it too much to ask for a new scientific study to discover that through some miraculous study, wine is now the BEST prenatal vitamin EVER. Or perhaps Tequila could have been proven to boost apgar scores or something? But alas, we're forced to deal with the complete disfiguration and decimation of our bodies without the aid of an alcohol-induced haze. Oh well.

Back to the title, I am totally freaking out. My doctor had previously scheduled my induction for August 12th. Turns out, she'll be on vacation, so she pushed it back a week to August 18th. BOY does this change plans. First of all, I have to go back to work next week! One week from Monday, I will be reporting for duty to unpack my classroom and plan some lessons. I anticipate trouble focusing. And its not like I can just get a coffee to keep me going...because caffeine is another one of God's greatest gifts not recommended for pregnant women.

Ok, so August 18th is the new date. I would love to say, "I don't think I'll make it..." but when my Dr. checked my cervix (too much information, sorry) at 35 weeks, I was only dialated 2 cm. I am today 37 weeks AND NOTHING. IS. HAPPENING. I walk every day, do housework and cooking, and chase Grace around and do whatever I can do be active and still I'm in some sort of pre-baby holding pattern. I'm glad he's not coming because I don't REALLY have a plan for that, but I am so hot that I'm melting and none of my clothes covers me completely anymore. And I just want him OUT.

On the otherhand, work will be interesting with the bottom quarter of my belly hanging out. Fashion-wise, I just "go with it." It's too hot to wear clothes anyway. I put on clean, neat clothes, and what they cover, they cover. I don't stress.

Besides freaking out about not having an absolute plan for when the baby comes, I'm also starting to have some SERIOUS concerns about the "do-ability" of completely meeting the needs of both my newborn AND my wild-child 13-month old....yikes.

1 comment:

The Cult of Personnel-ity said...

Well, August 18th is my birthday, and it happens to be the best birthday there is! Congratulations and best wishes!

-Kristy (Chamberlain) Prattini