Friday, June 12, 2009

Pregnancy brain is REAL

OK, so I know most of you have heard of "pregnancy brain," right? Where pregnant women have difficulty focusing or remembering? I'm here to tell you its REAL. Lately, I've been really bad...It's taking me longer and longer to get myself together to leave the house, checking and rechecking things I've packed. I've put the salad dressing away in the Tupperware cupboard instead of the fridge. I spent at least 20 minutes trying to find my cell phone and couldn't for the life of me find it only to realize it had been in my hand the ENTIRE time. A woman on my pregnancy board nearly left home without her pants. I hadn't done anything THAT bad. Until...

Grace and I, celebrating our Summer vacation, had plans to have lunch with a friend. My friend met us at our house, and I was going to drive. She parked behind me. She asked me if I had enough room to get around her. I walked to the back of the car, looked, and said, "oh yeah...plenty of room." I then got into my car, started it, threw it into reverse and promptly smacked into the front of her car. Thank goodness there was no damage...but SERIOUSLY??? Is the oxygen in my blood being re-routed from my brain to finish growing this baby?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha ohhhhhh... Katie. that is so funny! I laughed out loud at that one. Don't be overly distressed, though, you will soon revert back to your normal brain, (but then you will be so busy you won't have time to use it).You will be an automaton. Just kidding.Anyway, don't feel bad. I did something similar in my own driveway once and managed to damage both cars- and couldn't even claim pregnancy as the cause. I think you're doing well! I miss you- keep in touch. Can't wait to see the babies! :-) Andrea