Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are you kidding me with this?

Ok, just to catch you up, Jerry and I have been together since October 2004. We were married on June 30th, 2007. Our beautiful daughter, Grace Kelly, was born on July 1st, 2008. We live in Florida. We love the sun and the water. We are an active, healthy, all-american family.

I have been working as a teacher in Title I schools for more than 7 years. Jerry will have his six-year anniversary as a fire fighter in March. Life is good.

Grace has been just perfect. She is a good baby. She sleeps well and eats anything. She has Jerry's laid-back attitude, and nothing much bothers her. She smiles all the time. she's so happy and absolutely perfect.

So, that brings us current. Last week, I realized I was probably "off" on charting my cycle. (We use Natural Family Planning, from the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weshler, http://www.tcoyf.com/). So, my first step was to take a pregnancy test, then I was going to take Ovulation tests until I was confident that I was "on track." Well, surprise, surprise, the pregnancy test was a BFP--Big Fat Positive.

Jerry was on shift, and I didn't really know what to tell him, since I was feeling sort of at fault; it was sort of my "job" to track things, and he would always ask me, "are we good?" before anything. Long story short, I picture mailed him a picture of the positive pregnancy test. I guess it wasn't as obvious as I thought, because he had to pass it around the station until one of the guys finally interpreted for him.

The thing was, with the new baby, being together hadn't been high on our priority list. I immediately thought back and blamed the whole thing on Jerry's birthday, January 3rd, which would have put me about six weeks along. Before Grace was born, we had a miscarriage at about 10 weeks. So, when I found out I was expecting Grace, my doctor immediately put me on Progesterone supplements. Monday morning, I called my doctor's office as soon as it opened and explained my question about progesterone, not to mention I am still breastfeeding Grace, and I wasn't sure about how the pregnancy would affect that, or vise versa. They were extremely understanding and scheduled an appointment for the following day.

When the ultrasound came up at the appointment, Jerry and I were expecting a tiny bean of a baby with a flickering heartbeat. What we saw was a GIANT baby with a head and arms and legs and he/she was wiggling all around! My concern to my doctor was expressed something like this, "Holy Crap! How big is THAT baby?" Turns out, I was 11 weeks along. One week shy of being done with the first trimester. No need for Progesterone. The new baby is big with a strong heartbeat. The due date is August 23rd. Grace will be 13 months old.
Keep smiling,


Anonymous said...

So I guess instead we blame it on all that romantic turkey at Thanksgiving??? This is hilarious Katie! Sometimes life gives you extra heapings of blessings when you least expect it. Roll with it, girl! And maybe throw that birth control book in the trash. XOXOXOX!!!

Julia said...

WOW! WHAT A THRILL! Congratulations to all three of you. I guess Gracie will have a new brother or sister sooner rather than later. God is good!
Love you,

Molly said...

Woohoo!! I can't believe you are so far along! I am totally jealous and can't wait to hear more. :)


Katie, thank you so much for sharing. You're gonna be fine :) AND CONGRATS!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Katie. And, by the way, you know what they call people who use Natural Family Planning - PARENTS! Hee hee. What fun, though. At least it's not twins. But hey, if Britney Spears can do it - I imagine that you can pull it off with heaps of grace and dignity, while keeping your panties on. We'll be praying for a safe pregnancy and for you to have abounding energy. Congrats again!

Gabi Guidry Barrick

Framed by Grace said...

Oh, Sweetie...It will be fine! I had two just 18 months apart. It's hard at first-I'll be truthful...now they are 10 and 12 and they fight like cats and dogs-but love each other to death!
Just keep smiling!!! :)